Decluttering Your Rental


If you rent a storage locker, you know exactly how much you are paying each month to store your things. But when you live in a rental property, you are essentially doing the same. You pay for a place to live for not only yourself but also for your stuff. Are you getting your money’s worth? Are you storing things you no longer use and are not likely to? With each address change, do you pay to move things that you no longer need or use? Maybe it’s time to declutter your rental unit.

Stress Relief

Decluttering and organizing are great ways to relieve stress. Getting rid of stuff you no longer use gives you control of your space and provides a sense of accomplishment. In a rental where space is at a premium, decluttering assures that you are only storing things that still have value to you.

Where to Start

To start, make a plan on what areas you want to declutter. Prioritize them by starting with the ones that bother you most. Plan plenty of time to complete each task or area. Some closets may take longer to go through than an entire room due to all the items stuffed into them. If you are feeling overwhelmed, break it down into smaller pieces and just tackle one piece at a time like one drawer or shelf.

Where is it Going?

Consider what you will do with the things you choose to weed out. Can they be used by someone you know? Could they be donated to charity? Donating the items can give you a tax deduction at the end of the year so make note of what you are giving away and its potential worth. There are many guides online that can help you figure that out. Other items may be too worn to donate and are destined for the trash. Others can be upcycled into something new and newly useful. Or you can have a garage sale and make some money from the things you no longer need. Just remember to make a plan for what to do with things that don’t sell so you don’t end up adding them back into the clutter.

Sentimental Value

Some items are not immediately or currently useful but have too much sentimental value to get rid of. Consider how you will store these sorts of items. You may also find yourself storing seasonal things. This storage can be rotated by holding your coats in the summer and your shorts in the winter so you will want it to be more accessible than something that you won’t look at for a longer period, like your grade school report cards or letters from your long-lost family members. Make sure to label anything you put into storage so you can find it again easily.

Mental Calisthenics

Decluttering is more than just a physical endeavor; it is also a mental challenge. You paid good money for many of these items so it may be difficult to sell them or give them away knowing you will never get that money back. Keep in mind that you had the enjoyment of them for whatever length of time you held them and that is worth a lot.

But I Might Need it Later

Another issue is getting rid of something you think you might need later on. This can lead to having to store bottles of old screws or boxes of parts that you don’t recall what they came from. Chances are, you won’t ever really miss them once they are gone. How many people do you know that can’t find something they are sure they have somewhere so they go out and buy another one? Organizing what you have can save you money over the long run by preventing repeat purchases.

Time for Organizing

Organize the things you have decided to keep while you are sorting through them. Keep similar things together so they are easier to find. You may find you have a lot more of something like wooden spoons or hair bands than you thought you had. Use organizers to keep counter spaces and drawers uncluttered.

Can I get Rid of This?

At your wedding, your great aunt gave you an enormous vase that you have never liked. Do you have to keep it? If you only see her once every 5 years, she isn’t likely to go wandering through your place looking for it. Even if she is a mainstay in your life, she will probably understand if you don’t have it on display in a place of honor. Don’t feel like you have to hold on to items that are sentimental to someone other than yourself. If it is a family heirloom you don’t want, see if another family member will keep it instead.

Baby Steps

If the thought of decluttering and organizing your entire home is overwhelming, start small. You can choose to do just one drawer a night or one shelf in your cupboard or pantry at a time. A journey of a thousand miles can be taken one step at a time. There are no shortcuts to take miles off this journey so you might as well enjoy the ride. It can be fun to go through old memorabilia. At the end of the process, you will find yourself living in a more manageable home with less mental and physical clutter.

Next time you are ready to move, you will have less you have to haul on to the next adventure. If you are looking for a place in or around beautiful Durango Colorado, check out The Property Manager. They can help you find the ideal property to rent.


Donation value guide


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