How to Customize a Rental Kitchen


Kitchens in rental units are rarely user-friendly. Most are small and cramped with dated appliances. Storage space is nearly always less than adequate. And since you don’t own the property, renovations are generally not allowed. However, you can make some customized adjustments that will make it more appealing and usable.

Add Your Personal Touch

A floor rug can be used to cover unattractive flooring or add style. Since kitchens are a prime location for spills, make sure it is washable. You can also prevent rugs from sliding around by using alien tape or something similar which is easily removable. If you have decent-looking or frequently used cookware, you can save cupboard space by adding a pot rack that hangs on the wall or from the ceiling. If you have natural light in your kitchen, add a house plant or some potted herbs.

Temporary Changes

If your kitchen is dark, add puck lights or a light bar under the upper cabinets to brighten things up. These don’t require wiring know-how as they either run on batteries or can be plugged in. For an ugly or out-of-date backsplash, you can do a temporary cover-up with stick-on tiles or peel-and-stick wallpaper. Some countertops can even be covered with a peel and stick covering but these don’t always hold up to wear and tear. A decorative but also useful cutting board may be more practical.

Add Storage Space

There are multiple kinds of shelving that can be utilized to provide more storage space. Start with small shelves designed to go over the sink or add levels to your cupboards. Depending on space, you can add larger shelving units or stand-alone cupboards that can hold your appliances, cookbooks, or pantry items. There are so many different types of shelves and cabinets that you will be able to find something that fits both your budget and the space you have available.

Adding Style

Put up a favorite saying on the wall or a warning, i.e., “Coffee first, then conversation”. Hang a mirror to give the illusion of a larger space. They are often heavy and need stronger nails to hold up which may damage the walls so use caution. Or you can put up a print or poster that showcases your style. Be aware that anything you hang in or near a kitchen can get a greasy dusty film on it, especially if you frequently cook greasy foods. Therefore, make sure whatever you hang is easy to clean with soap and water or is disposable.

Things That Need Landlord Permission

Any painting you want to do will have to be approved by your landlord first. To be safe, get the approval in writing. Same with any changes to cabinets or cupboards. Some folks like the open shelving look but taking off the doors or updating them with paint or stain will need approval as well. And if you do remove cabinet doors, there will be screw or nail holes visible that will need repair to look good. You also will only want to put your nicest-looking things on open shelving. Not everyone has things they want to display every day and the renter after you may not appreciate open shelves.

Appliance Issues

If the fridge is an outdated avocado green or dingy yellow that doesn’t fit with your design scheme, there are a few things you can do to liven up the look. A whiteboard on the fridge can cover up a lot of the space while also being a practical place to leave a note for your roommate or keep your calendar. Fridge magnets can be a fun way to cover an ugly fridge. Show magnets from favorite destinations you’ve visited or with favorite sayings or pictures. They can also be used to hold a grocery list or children’s artwork. Or you can go full retro and embrace the outdated by decorating with vintage items from a thrift store to expand the look. They say that all that is old will become new again.

A rental stove is often unattractive and takes up a lot of space but is also necessary if you plan to cook. You can get a cutting board that fits over the burners or the sink to expand your counter area. Don’t forget to remove it before using the burners. A fire extinguisher is also a wise investment, just saying. Especially if you are easily distracted.

There are many things you can do to make a rental space your own. Even small changes can add comfort and appeal turning your rental space into a home. If you are looking for a rental property in the Durango Colorado area, check out The Property Manager. They will help you find a space that fits your current needs.



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