Spring Cleaning in a Rental Property


Spring weather can be unpredictable. You can have a nice stretch of good weather, enough to break out the yard tools and start weeding, and that afternoon it snows. The only dependability with the weather in Colorado is that you can expect it to change when you don’t want it to. However, an unsettled spring may provide unexpected opportunities to start a little spring cleaning.

Spring is a time of renewal. Time to clean out the old and worn and repair or replace what didn’t survive the winter. It is a good time to make sure everything is ready for expanding beyond the walls of your home and into the warming world. Also time to declutter and get rid of things that no longer bring you joy or that you have not used for a long time.

Gathering spring cleaning tools

Cleaning for Property Owners

Property owners and managers have a slightly different spring-cleaning list than tenants. If you are not sure if a task belongs to you or to the owners or managers, check with your landlord. Several chores may be completed by the management’s team, others by the tenant or landowner. As spring is often a time for turnover in rentals, they may be busy with additional tasks and not be able to get to you as quickly as you’d like.

Preparing for warmer months includes getting the swamp cooler or AC cleaned and set up but this should not be done until the threat of freezing is past to prevent water line breakage. You may also want to adjust thermostats to account for warmer months. Check filters on HVAC systems and change batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

If you are responsible for maintaining landscaping, make sure your tools (pruners, hand tools, and lawnmowers) are in good working order and ready to go. Make sure appliances such as stoves, refrigerators, garbage disposals, and washers receive any preventative maintenance needed as well as a good cleaning.

Cleaning for Tenants

Tenants are usually expected to keep appliances in good working order. While you are checking them out is a great time to give them a thorough cleaning. Unplug and remove any frost from freezers and throw out any food that is no longer useable due to age or freezer burn. Don’t forget to plug them back in. Clean out the fridge and wipe up any spills or messes. Throw out any food or partially used condiments that are no longer good. Check plumbing for leaks while cleaning under the sinks and around the toilets. Run a long-handled duster under low appliances such as stoves and washers/driers to remove any dust bunnies.

The more things you have, the more things you have to take care of. In addition to checking out the things you won’t take with you when you leave, spring is also a good time to go through your own possessions and do some weeding. Get rid of or donate clothes, shoes, and accessories that no longer fit you or your evolving style. Pass on the exercise equipment that you only used twice or the books you don’t plan to read again. A general rule of thumb is that if you haven’t touched it in over a year, you probably don’t need to keep it. That may not be true for a family heirloom but could certainly apply to your old unused bread maker.

Hauling out the Trash

Some areas have a spring-cleaning trash pick-up during a specific week where you can place old broken furniture or bags of yard trash for pick up. Check with your property manager to see if that service is available where you live. Otherwise, you may need to haul everything that doesn’t fit in your trash bin to the dump. You will also want to get a receipt for anything you donate. You may be able to use it as a deduction on your taxes.

Paying for Storage

Whether you are buying a home or renting one, you are paying for space to store all that you own. If you also have a separate storage locker, you are paying even more. The average person moves approximately 11.4 times in their lifetime. If you plan to move again, you will pay to move everything you choose to keep. Make sure that what you keep has enough value to you to be worth storing and moving.

Spring is a hopeful time. The winter doldrums are past and the world is renewing itself with new life. Take advantage of this change in the season to clean out the old and prepare for new challenges. If one of your challenges is moving to a new place, check with The Property Manager to see if the Durango CO area sparks your interest.

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8 Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Rental Property

How Many Times Does The Average Person Move?


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