Spring Cleaning, The Natural Way
Spring is upon us and the last of the snow is melting quickly in Durango. It is easy to let our thoughts spin about all of the fun things that we have planned now that the weather has turned warmer. While exploring the numerous hiking trails in the area and floating down the Animas River certainly sound like a fun time, there are still a few indoor things that we should tend to before playing outside.
Spring Cleaning Your Kitchen
You probably open and close your kitchen cupboards several times a day. But, have you taken a close look at the state of cleanliness where you store your food or plates? Kitchen cupboards are good hosts for the grease that can splatter during cooking, which can leave surfaces sticky and grimey. An easy and Earth-friendly method for Spring clean degriming may already be in your pantry! Add a cup of vinegar added to two cups of hot water to make a solution to your sticky cupboard problem. Make sure you check with the manufacturer’s recommendation for cleaning suggestions though. Some surfaces may require a different approach when it comes to cleaning.

Spring Cleaning Your Bathroom
It can be tempting to reach for a can of potpourri smelling spray to cover up any unpleasant odors. However, with ease comes a cost and the fact that most sprays mask odors rather than cleaning or addressing the source of the scent. With warmer weather in the area, an easy and free way to reduce odors is by opening a window. According to the folks over at How Stuff Works, opening the windows and using items such as baking soda and/or complimentary essential oils can allow you to breathe a sigh of relief. If you opt to open the windows, just make sure that there is a properly sized screen in place so outdoor critters don’t make your home their home!
Spring Cleaning Your Laundry
Over the winter months, have you noticed that your laundry isn’t smelling as fresh as it should? Despite repeated washes, are your towels smelling a little sour? It might not be your detergent becoming ineffective, but rather the washing machine itself being the likely culprit. If left untreated, the smell can permeate your whole home. An easy way to combat the stink is by using the same ingredients that kids use to create a flowing volcano! Run a cycle on hot water, with some vinegar and baking soda. The sour smell will be a thing of the past. To reduce the risk of recurrence, you can clean your washing machine on a regular basis, but it is best to check with your manufacturer’s recommendations.

Spring Cleaning Your Bedroom
Our bedrooms are often full of a variety of soft surfaces. Although these items bring comfort and warmth, they can also be harboring unwanted dirt and smells. If you don’t already have a regular cleaning schedule for your linens and drapery, sprucing up your bedroom may be as close as your (clean) washing machine. Check the care instructions on each item you wash to reduce damaging your linens, drapes, and washing machine. You can sprinkle some baking soda on your carpets to freshen them up a bit. Just make sure that you vacuum twice afterwards. Vacuuming once in each direction will remove the dirt and debris that can hide in your rugs and carpet.
Keeping tabs on the cleanliness of your home can be a daunting task. One that is especially difficult if the homes you are concerned about are being used as income properties. Not being able to ensure that your tenants are being responsible for the overall cleanliness of their rental can lead to feelings of anxiety. One way to reduce this is through providing your tenants with checklists of items that they should address on a regular basis to prevent maintenance issues from arising. You can include this in your lease to ensure that your tenants are aware of the responsibilities associated with renting your property. The folks over at The Property Manager can help to put your mind at ease!
How to deep clean your bedroom like a professional
Removing odors left behind by wildfires
The Stupid-Easy Way To Clean Your Washing Machine