Thanks for Nothing?
Things have been rough since Covid came to town. Depression increased along with uneasiness over the state of the country. Illness and job worries increased the stress. It hasn’t seemed like we’ve had much to be thankful for. But maybe we have been thinking about things from the wrong angle. The world is always gloomier when you concentrate on the negative. So, let’s look at what we have to be thankful for.
Let’s look at the most basic of basics, food, clothing, and shelter. Especially with winter’s arrival, it’s vital to have a warm place to live. If you don’t, do you have someone who will take you in? What can you give in return? You don’t want to be a freeloader so offer to help pay rent, buy food, clean the house or contribute to the chores, watch the kids, or whatever is needed. On the flip side, do you have an unused space where you can take someone in? If not, maybe you can help at a shelter by providing blankets or socks.
Food and water are vital to life. If you don’t have enough, check at the food bank, soup kitchen, and other charities which can lend you a hand. If you are blessed with plenty, share that blessing with others. Food banks and soup kitchens always need donations. If you have the basics covered, that is something to be thankful for. When you can help others with these, that adds extra warmth to your heart.
Do you have warm clothing? If not, you can buy or borrow. If money is tight, a thrift store is a great place to start. Consider donating any unused or no-longer-fits clothing to a shelter, thrift store, or family who could use it. You will save on storage space and make someone else happy.
Everyone needs somewhere to live. You may not be able to afford to buy a home right now, but renting is an option. The Property Manager in Durango can help you find an affordable home or apartment. Check out other websites and services applicable to the area you live in or move to. Also, consider a roommate. Sharing costs can ease your burden, and you may make a lifelong friend.

A homeless man sits covered in snow early on March 25, 2013 in Washington, DC. A messy Monday is in store for millions along the East Coast, with winter weather advisories warning of a mixture of snow and rain for Washington, DC, Philadelphia, metropolitan New York and parts of northeast New Jersey. AFP PHOTO / Karen BLEIER (Photo credit should read KAREN BLEIER/AFP/Getty Images)
If you have work you love or at least a job that pays the bills, you have something to be thankful for. So many aren’t willing to work and there are jobs out there. In the old days, people worked at anything available to be able to take care of their families. No job was too small or menial. People took pride in their work and did their best. Nowadays, people aren’t willing to start at the bottom and work their way up. They want to start at the top earning the big bucks. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t work that way so people stay unemployed and dependent on others for their welfare. Society does not function when no one is willing to work.
If you have a job, be thankful. If you don’t, consider starting with something that pays the bills. Begin working towards what you want to do by taking small steps and gaining experience. It may not be ideal, but you can take pride in moving toward your goal. You can take pride in being an independent and functioning member of society.
Toilet Paper
I am thankful for toilet paper. Silly, I know. Still, that small white roll is a blessing. Things would be a lot messier without it. It’s the little things that bring us joy. Look around you and think about the people and things that make you smile. A home filled with homemade things is a home filled with joy because someone cared enough to put time and effort into making them. And if you have skills or hobbies, share what you make or do to bring joy to others. Homemade cookies are always welcome.
Everyone wants to be loved and appreciated. This is a stressful season for so many reasons. Make it happier by spreading gratitude. Smile and thank the person holding the door for you. Tell your spouse, partner, friend, or coworker something that you love about them. Comment positively on a stranger’s hair or nice outfit or just share a smile. They will feel good and you will too. When it seems like everything is negative, spend a little time looking around you and counting your blessings. Keep a gratitude journal for a physical reminder to look at when things seem bleak. It will remind you that while there are negative things in your world, there are also positive things to balance the scales. And if it feels like your negative outweighs your positive, add a roll of toilet paper to the positive side.
Share the Joy
If you want to turn a bad mood around, smile. Smiles are contagious and getting a smile makes you feel warm inside. Give one even if you don’t feel it. Fake it till you make it. Before long, you will mean it and you will find you are in a better mood.
Go a step further and do something for someone else. Grab something off the high shelf at the supermarket for someone who can’t reach it. Hold open a door. Shovel a sidewalk or rake leaves for someone who struggles. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, food bank, or any other charity that help people. You will find that there is incredible joy in helping others. You are contributing to making the world a better place through your efforts. One person can make a difference.
When it feels like you have nothing to be thankful for and all is doom and gloom, be thankful that you can change how you look at things. If you are alive and breathing, that is something to be thankful for. Friends and family who love you, that is a great blessing. Having food, clothing, and shelter puts you ahead of many. Being able to work, even if it isn’t at a job you love, means you can eat and pay the bills. That is something to be very grateful for. When it all feels like too much negative, look at the positive things in your life and make more of them. Happiness isn’t something that happens to you, it’s something you make through your efforts. Choose to be happy and positive; tough things won’t seem so bad. You will have challenges instead of obstacles and that’s a great place to start.
If you need a place to rent in Durango, check out The Property Managers. They will help you find just what you are looking for.