HOA Guide for Renters


Sure, you may have been renting for years, but have you ever rented in an HOA? Homeowners Associations are in just about every city. They may not appear from the outside to be much different. Are you thinking about renting a property within an HOA? If so, be prepared with the necessary information to make your education decision.

What is an HOA?

In neighborhoods where there is a clubhouse, pool, or green common space, you are likely to find an HOA. Homeowners Associations are legal entities that carry out the maintenance of these shared areas. Due to this, these types of properties are more likely to be better maintained.

HOAs provide rules and guidelines for homeowners in the neighborhood in which the rental property resides. The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, also referred to as CC&Rs, outlines what activities can take place within the common areas. These are worth checking out before you decide to move into this type of rental home. 

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HOA Fees and Responsibilities

These communities require additional fees for living there. These fees go towards maintenance and other responsibilities. Your lease will often disclose who is responsible for these fees. Depending on the community, there may be a move in/move out fee for rental properties. You should keep this in mind, as you might be responsible for paying those fees.

Tenant Rights in an HOA

Since some of the fees associated with living within a HOA community goes towards maintaining the common areas, renters have the right to use them in accordance with the CC&Rs. HOAs decide whether the property allows pets, and what types. These rules may differ when it comes to renters and property owners. Tenants need to ask the landlord about pet policies. If you end up living in an HOA managed property, make sure to keep up with the CC&Rs. These rules are updated over time. to keep up with changes that happen within the community.

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Leases and Screening

While you may be quite familiar with the information that is included in a lease, renting in an HOA may be different. Leases for properties in HOA communities include rules and regulations. Property owners must provide the CC&Rs and HOA rules.

The HOA may impose a minimum lease period for which you may rent a property. This rule is to prevent the short-term or weekend vacation rentals within their community. Some HOAs may also take on the screening process themselves. You may meet with the owner of the property at the time of showing, but the ultimate decision may not be up to them.


If you find yourself stepping outside the bounds of the rules, your landlord will likely contact you directly. HOAs cannot take direct action against rental tenants. It is up to you and the landlord to remedy the situation. The landlord is responsible for paying any fines associated with your violation. However, be ready for your landlord to ask you for reimbursement.


In conclusion, as you can see, there are some definite benefits to living in a managed community. If this type of community sounds like something that you would enjoy, the professionals at The Property Manager can help! With over 30 years of experience, including HOA rentals in the Durango area, we’re ready to assist you with your rental needs.


3 things to know about HOAs when renting a home!

Contact Us.

Dealing with a tough homeowners association for your rental property.

HOA Tenant tenets.

Laws for renters in a homeowners’ association.

Owning rentals in a homeowners association community.

Renter’s guide to understanding HOAs.

Renting in an HOA? Understand the responsibilities of you and your landlord.

The do’s and don’ts of HOA rental restrictions


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