Property Management Essentials


Income property can be a great way to have a steady stream of funds. But don’t be blinded by the money. You may have one or several rental properties to tend to. As a result, property management can be overwhelming. Taking on this responsibility can leave you feeling as if you are drowning in task after task. Is there a way to manage your income property without going mad? Undoubtedly yes! Keep reading to learn more about how a property manager can help you to manage your rental property.

What is Property Management?

Just by looking at the word, it would appear that property managers do just that, manage your property. While that may be true, there is much more to being an effective property manager. For one thing, property management work on behalf of the property owner. They handle the day-to-day aspects and tenant screening. In addition, they also address the catastrophes that can sometimes pop up at inconvenient times. Property managers also assist in creating budgets and advertising of available properties. They can also screen tenants and ensure that the landlord-tenant laws are upheld.

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Tenant Screening Results in a Higher Quality of Tenants

To improve the odds that you get the best tenants in your rental property, screening is essential. In general, reviewing a potential tenant’s background and rental history can help to identify any potential red flags. Some tenant screenings are use a checklist format. Others may choose to have a more rigorous screening approach. In either case, make sure that the information provided by the potential tenant is accurate.

Savings of Time and Money

Taking on all of the responsibilities of owning a rental property can be an exhausting experience. Especially if you own more than one rental home. The time put into managing your rental property can take away valuable time spent with friends and family. It can also take you away from work responsibilities. Reclaim your time by consulting a property management company.

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Rent Collection

Money, in exchange for a service, is a relatively common aspect of 21st Century life. By all means, this also applies to operating a rental property. Tenants typically sign a lease that outlines the amount and date by which rent payments need to be made. Even if you conduct top-notch tenant screenings, it can be difficult to collect rent from time to time. Having a trusted entity to collect rent can help to keep your rental property occupied by high quality tenants. Sounds like a win-win situation!

Helps to Abide by Rental Federal and State Laws

For the most part, keeping up with federal and state laws can be a daunting undertaking. They seem to change or get updated on a regular basis. It can take a good chunk of your time to keep up to date with the laws. For this reason, property managers have their fingers on the pulse of change. From compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, to local fair housing laws, property managers have you covered. Property managers can also carry out the eviction process, in necessary.


To summarize, home ownership can be a rewarding experience. However, some property owners may not be up to managing the day-to-day aspects of owning and operating a rental property. Worry not though if you fall into this latter category. In general, property management companies are an effective way to oversee your rental property. Does this sounds like something that could be of benefit? If so, why not consult the specialists over at The Property Manager to see how they can help!


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About Us

The Best Tenant-Screening Tips

Complying with Federal, State and Local Laws

Tenant Screening: Everything Property Managers Need to Know

What Is Property Management?


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