Energy Audits for Your Rental Property


When it comes to saving money, there are some obvious areas that may come to mind. A money saving tip that can be completed rather quickly and easily is an energy audit. A few minutes of walking through your rental property can help to save you or your tenant a significant amount of money. Conducting an energy audit of your rental home can also help you to become a more environmentally conscious property owner.


Windows are a great way to let the beauty of nature into your rental property. Unfortunately, they also are a large source of energy loss. The amount of energy loss depends on the type of windows installed in your home. Single pane windows can let a lot of heat in during the summer. This means that they also allow heat to escape during the winter. Depending on the type of window installed in your home, up to 30% of heating and cooling energy goes right out the window. 

Green Leafed Plant on Balcony during Daytime
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It is not always feasible to replace your windows, so fortunately, there are some cost effective tips that can help to improve the energy efficiency. For instance, caulk and weatherstripping can help to reduce air leaks and the use of window treatments, such as blackout curtains can keep the light out during the summer months. In the winter, open the curtains where there is direct sunlight and close them at night to keep the cool air out and the warm air in.


Similar to your windows, ceilings and walls are another source of heat loss during the chilly winter months. With inadequate insulation in these areas of your rental property, energy bills are likely to creep up significantly when the mercury drops. If your property includes an attic, check to see if the space includes a vapor barrier under the insulation. The presence of too much moisture in your attic can create a reduced effectiveness of your insulation. It can also be a source for potential structural damage.

Fir Tree Decor
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Outlets and Switch Plates

The roof, attic, and walls of your rental property may be up to energy efficient standards in regards to insulation. However, one area that can be easily overlooked are your electric outlets and switch plates. These openings can create air leaks. These gaps can be easily remedied by installing an insulation barrier behind the switch plates and outlets.

Door and Window Gaps

When designing and building a house, there are minimum clearance standards for your windows and doors to be operational. These gaps on doors are essential for the opening and closing functions of doors. However, too big of a gap can be wasteful. If you can see daylight around the frames of the windows or doors, caulking or weatherstripping can help.

Black Flashlight Turned On
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There still might be air leaks around your windows and doors that you can’t see with your naked eye. In this case, grab a friend and a flashlight. Have a friend help you by shining a flashlight from the other side of the door or window jamb. If you can see light it might indicate a leak. Other leak detection methods include placing a dollar bill in your window or door and trying to remove it easily with the window or door closed. Lighting an incense stick can also help in the identification of leaks in these potentially drafty areas. 


There are significant savings to be had when it comes to energy efficient homes. Whether it is a direct reduction in your energy bills or something to make your rental property stand out to potential tenants, energy efficiency is a worthwhile task for property owners. While there are several checklists to assist you in conducting your own energy audit, it may be necessary to contact a professional who can walk you through the energy audit process. Working with a property management company can help to make this process easier.


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