Home Office Know How: Making It Work For You


Although some of us may have already been onboard the work from home train prior to this year, many more are moving to this type of working environment. While it may seem easy to transition from an office environment to a work from home one, there are a few things to keep in mind when setting up your space. By taking a few minutes to tend to some important aspects of your home office, you can make it work for you while also looking professional!

What Do You Need in Your Home Office?

When you work in an office setting, you often have pretty much everything that you need, right at your fingertips. However, there may be some small details that if overlooked, can spell disaster and difficulties ahead. In order to prevent these headaches from happening, you may want to take the following into account.

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What type of tasks will you be responsible for completing in your space? Do you need a standing desk? How about a riser for your laptop so it is more ergonomic? Is the desk you intend to use large enough to spread out your work if needed? How is your lighting? Do you have ink for your printer? How is the internet speed where you want to spend most of your working time? Although many of these things sound like items that you would never overlook, many do. This can mean scrambling at times to make things work.

Pick A Space, but Not Just Any Space Will Do

Some people may have the luxury of having a spare bedroom to dedicate to their home office needs. Somewhere with plenty of storage, good lighting, and enough room to move around is something that can definitely make working from home easier. However, not everyone has this option.

You will most likely want to find a place in your home that has minimal distractions. Additionally, your space should be conducive to the work that you do. Whichever spot you decide to dedicate as your home office area, make sure that you keep it as such. Maintaining the designation of “home office” in the area will help to keep your mind ready for the task at hand when you sit down at your workstation.

Home Office Backgrounds for Video Conferences

So, you have picked your home office location. The lighting is great, you have space to spread out, and your chair is at the perfect height so you don’t get that cramp in your neck. That is all fine and dandy, but did you take into consideration any video conference setups? Will you need to be a regular attendant at video conferences? Sitting at your home office spot, look behind you. What do you think the other attendants will see when you are in a video conference? Does it look professional or are there posters from when you were a teenager in the background? While these may seem like pesky little things, they can have a significant impact on how professional you come across when attending teleconferences and meetings.

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A cluttered workstation can make for a feeling of chaos. Whether at work or at home, decluttering can be a great way to feel one step ahead of the game. You’ll save time since you won’t spend it looking for things. Developing and adhering to an organizational method, which can include labeling, will help out in the long run. Purge papers and receipts that you know you won’t need. If you are unsure if you will need it, many printers have the capability to scan documents so you can store them digitally.

Test it Out

While it may seem silly, having a test run on using your home office can be such a worthwhile task. Set up your workspace as you desire, then see how it feels to conduct some of the similar types of work you would do in your office workspace. Is your monitor at the optimal height? How is the glare from the lighting during the different times of day? It may also be a good idea to set up a video call with a friend to see if the background works for a professional setting. They can also help to give you feedback on the lighting and acoustics.


As you can see, there is more than just opening up a laptop when it comes to creating a home office environment. So many things to consider. If you are looking for a place with a bit more room so you can have that dedicated space, the professionals at The Property Manager can help!


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